A couple of days ago I posted about needing to have a joyful heart in all circumstances and how I had been tested...little did I know that the harder test would be today.
Last night some one broke into our new home and broke windows, mirrors, and punched holes in the walls. They aren't sure the extent of the damage because the property management hasn't been out to see it yet. All we know is from the police report. But as it is now we aren't allowed to move in this weekend and her initial estimate is in 2 weeks. They think it was some stupid teenagers having fun with a vacant house.
I am royally bummed! Way more so than earlier this week. I am really struggling to be joyful and trust in the Lord. S and I were just voxing with Chris about how excited we are that this is the last night to be away from him...and then 20 minutes later he called with the news. I think it is harder because it is such a huge let down. I mean my house is packed and we are literally ready for the truck to pull up and load it all.
But no...some idiotic person couldn't contain their stupid urge...see what I mean! I am so mad at whoever did this. They have no idea what this means to me and my family. We have to now wait 2+ weeks to actually see my husband everynight again. My kiddos need their Papa and I need my husband. And if it is going to take too long we have to give up on the house all together and find another one because we can't wait another month to move. Which I don't want to even think about not getting this house...it is so pretty and the perfect price!!!
Don't I sound so whiney!!! There are families whose husbands are in Afghanistan and the most contact they get is a video chat occasionally. There are women who have completely lost their husbands through death. And those kiddos don't have a papa to raise them. There are families who don't have a home or food or clothes or a proper roof to keep rain and the cold out. There are women who can't have babies but they yearn so desperately to have at least one of their own.
I am a very blessed woman. I have more than a million things to be thankful for. And everything I have is a total gift. I deserve none of it, not.one.thing! So I am working on putting my big girl pants on and girding my loins. We will make it out of this season. For all I know this is all happening so that I will learn to trust the Lord more and have a joyful heart in even this situation. I want to succeed. I want to do well. My emotions keep taking a hold on me but I am not giving up this fight. I will glorify the Lord whether through obedience the first time or repentence after I fall. I prefer the first but regardless I will glorify God and Praise Him for only He has the power to decide what happens to my soul, which is really all that matters.
I mean who is going to be in heaven complaining that someone broke their window when they were on earth and they couldn't move when they wanted it. Or on a sadder thought, who will be in hell complaining about the same thing. No this is but a very very tiny momentary light affliction.
So thank you God for this trial because this trying of my faith will work my patience (which I need) until I am perfect and whole...wanting NOTHING!!!
James 1:1-4, 12
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
12 Blessed
is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall
receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that
love him.
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