Monday, November 24, 2014

Having a Joyful Heart

"You need to have a joyful heart" is a common phrase in our household.
D's joyful heart :)

Joy isn't the same as happiness, although similar joy is something you can chose to have with the help of the Holy Spirit. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit given to believers. It goes so much deeper than happiness. Joy isn't a feeling based on circumstances.

James 1:2-4
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

I don't know about you but I am not exactly grinning and feeling warm and bubbly when I am facing trails or temptations. It is usually a situation that I don't like. But you can and should be joyful in the midst of it because of the understanding of what the trials and temptations actually mean. It is opportunity to grow and Christ and be more like Him. An opportunity to overcome sin and bring glory to the Lord. 

Joy,in my understanding, is more of a contentment, a constant controlling of your soul to submit to the Lord's will with the understanding that all things work together for the good for those called according to His purpose. It doesn't mean it feels good but rather you chose to not be swayed by your circumstance. 

I say "where is your joyful heart?" to my daughters frequently. There are a lot of things in life that don't go according to plan and I want to train them young to still their hearts from becoming upset and anxious because they aren't getting what they want or they don't like what is happening. It is amazing to watch a two year old who is clearly upset about something stop in their tracks and change their attitude. It is so beautiful because I know how hard it can be to chose joy when you just wan to be mad and upset. 

I too have a hard time having a joyful heart and controlling my attitude and my girls attitudes totally reflect mine. When I am grumpy and upset all day they have sour faces and bad attitudes as well which upsets me and continues the cycle more. Once I realize I apologize and repent. A couple of weeks ago, D pooped on the floor and I was really upset about it (since it was happening contstantly!!) and S said, "Mama you have a bad attitude." I was shocked she recognized it and called me out at such a young age but so humbled. I immediately repented and told her she was right. I love that my daughter can now tell me to have a joyful heart!

Today I think was a big re-test for me. Months ago when we first moved to the property we had to first move into a room with all of our belongings while we waiting for the previous caretaker to move off the land. He originally gave us one date. We bought our RV and scheduled for it to be moved the day after he moved off. I was so excited to get out of the room as it had been about a month at the time and it was a very trying situation to live in. A couple of days before my husband was talking to the man and he mentioned that he would be staying for a couple more weeks to basically stay as long as the owner said was allowed (he wasn't leaving on good terms and was trying to get back at the owner). It was only two more weeks but I was devastated. I had such a bad attitude. It ruined all my plans. I was so upset and let it show for those two extra weeks. I definitely did NOT have a joyful heart. 

In the present: we were approved for the new house and were planning on moving this coming weekend. My plan was to pack all this week to get ready and that would put us in the new house before Thanksgiving and well before Christmas. But today we realized when scheduling our appointment to sign the lease that the property management company expects the full months rent upon signing on top of paying for the deposit this month. We will only be there a week of November and we don't have twice the rent right now at the end of the month..well we do but then we have no money to actually move. My husband tried to convince them to let us pay the prorated price now and the full rent next month but they said it is their policy and wouldn't budge. This means moving in 3 weeks instead of this weekend. 

One little blessing :)
At first I was devastated. I was so anticipating packing this week and I had it all my head how it would work. I didn't cry but I was very heartbroken. But then I stared praying and asking the Lord to help me with my attitude and I began reflecting on how blessed we are. We are still getting this house. We still get to move and be closet to my husband. He still has his job and is getting amazing hours and we are finally able to start saving! My children are healthy and I am having another baby. We are so blessed and in a couple of month an extra 2 weeks won't seem like much once we are actually there. I wanted to respond well; everything I was feeling was telling me to be depressed and sad but I knew I really had no reason to be. I said to myself, don't be a spoiled brat who throws a fit because I am not getting what I want when I want. I wasn't even being told "no", just "wait". 

So I called my husband and told him it was okay, we are still blessed and God is still good. What more could I ask for! He was so glad to hear me say that; he was worried how I would take the news because being away from him has been very hard and I have been struggling to keep a joyful heart. It was such a joyful moment and as I submitted my heart to the Lord He began blessing me with more Joy. I just changed all my plans and made new ones. I was still bummed and even praying that if something could be done that it would but if not I wasn't going to let it rock my boat. 

The story could stop here and I would continue working on keeping my joyful heart but then my husband called later in the evening saying he had a surprise. Turns out his mom is going to pay for the first month of rent so we can move in this weekend after all! We will of course be paying her back but what a blessing!! I was very shocked and excited and very very thankful. 

I don't think this usually happens where once you submit your heart you end up getting what you wanted in the first place and I was completely not expecting our delay to be changed. Nevertheless, I am very thankful that in this instance He has chosen to provide. I do wonder if he would have if I hadn't had a joyful heart. I truly feel like this time I passed. I was given an opportunity to overcome sin that had taken me out before and I did! Thank you Holy Spirit for your help. Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness of sins. Thank you Father for allowing me to try again! 

Just thought of this, D's middle name is Joy. And pretty since she was born Joy has been something the Lord has been working in me! So interesting!!

***From now on posts will be scheduled so that they don't post the actual day I write them. So if things seem off like me talking about an upcoming holiday that has already past, this is why***

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