Monday, May 28, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the Not so Pretty...

Her 2 month picture!!!
Sammy is now 2 months!!! I can't believe it. Technically she will be 10 weeks tomorrow! She is growing so stinking fast! Her little personality is blooming a little more each day and I love watching it.

The Good...
Sammy's bladder is getting bigger. She isn't going pee nearly as much anymore which is lovely since I am Infant Potty Training! I didn't realize how often she went until she slowed down! She is also not having poop farts like she up until a few weeks ago. Almost every time I would check her diaper she would have little skid marks from farting. But now she is better able to control her sphincter so poop only comes out when she lets it. And she is getting so good at cuing and holding it until i can get her on the potty! A couple of times she has even stopped mid-stream when I say "stop, wait!!!" and will finish once I get her on the potty. She definitely knows that pee and poop go in the potty. I don't even really cue her anymore to go unless we are out in public and on a toilet that isn't normal for her. She just knows to go by the position she is in I guess. All this is good news for me and our laundry bill! When I am home all day with her, we usually can use the same diaper the whole day!

It's still hard when we go out. We started using G-diapers for going out because they wick away the moisture so she isn't sitting in urine! Usually you don't want this when potty training because you want the baby or child to feel the uncomfortableness of being wet. But when we go out I am not always able to potty or change her right away when she needs it and I would hate for her to get a rash because of it. Unfortunately, Samantha is growing so fast the G-diapers just aren't really fitting anymore and we don't have the next size up.But thanks to her growing bladder she may not need the G-diapers soon anyways.

My goal is to have her out of diapers by 9 months and into trainers. A lot of babes that are EC'd full time can be. Actually I have heard that it makes it easier because you can't depend on the diapers anymore. So we shall see where we are at at that point, but that is where we are heading.

Finally got her in the back carry in our woven wrap.
This isn't about EC, but recently I have been learning how to put her in a back wrap. I usually wear her at least once a day while I do chores around the house or go walking but until now I have been wearing her in the front. This makes some chores somewhat difficult since she can be in my way. I have been afraid to try to carry her on my back but I finally tried it out. It was very frustrating at first! I almost quit a couple of times but I have succeeded a few times as well which gives me confidence to keep trying. If you baby wear I highly recommend getting or making a woven wrap and/or a mei tai. I have a Moby which is awesome as well but it gets so hot that I can't keep her in too long. Also, stretchy wraps can only be worn until the baby is big enough to wiggle around a lot because at that point they could flip themselves out. Woven wraps are much stronger for older children and are cooler. I'm not sure how long you can wear with a Mei Tai but they are even cooler than the woven wrap. I will try to take a picture of her in the Mei Tai. I actually made it from the instructions on

The Bad...
We still are missing almost every time at night. I am just not waking up fast enough either by accident or on purpose. What can I say I really like to sleep! And when I hear her start to wake up I know if I shush her back to sleep I can get at least another half hour before she really wakes up. But then that means I miss her pees! Its actually pretty silly that I do that because if I just got up right away and peed her she would have a dry diaper so I wouldn't have to try and fumble my way through changing out the prefold. And I could then feed her and get back to sleep. But instead I chose to sort of wake up, shush her, kind of sleep for another half hour then have to get up anyways, really wake up to change out the prefold, then feed and go back to sleep. But try knocking some sense into my half conscious self! So I keep trying!!!

The not so pretty....         Warning*** if you don't want to see breast fed baby poop don't scroll down!***

Now that Sammy is getting older she isn't pooping everyday anymore. So every other day I am waiting for a poop bomb to arrive and hoping to catch it! But the first couple of times I missed! This is one of the reasons i am potty training her! Because I really really really did not like cleaning this off her! Blah! The first time it happened she was sitting in her Bumbo while I was sewing the Mei Tai. She gave a cue but I was concentrating and didn't react right away. OOPS! Then i heard deployment...Yuck! I quickly pulled her out in hoped that I could catch some of it but this is what I found!!!

I was so shocked and didn't know what to do! Then she wiggled her feet and hands into it! I wiped her hands then ran to the bath, and sprayed her down! You would have thought that was the end of the poop for the day but it wasn't! Later we went to my brother-in-law's softball game and she had another blow out! All over her pajamas!!! That was a nightmare to clean up because I couldn't just throw her in the bath that time! Needless to say I am trying much harder to listen for the poo cue because I really hate wiping poo out of all those cracks and crevices she has!!! It is music to my ears to hear the sound of those poop bombs going off in the potty! Never thought I'd be so excited about someone pooping in the potty!

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