Saturday, May 12, 2012


Notice her middle finger!
The other day I was working on sewing a new mei tai wrap for Sammy and I can't do so while holding her. So I put her in her Bumbo for the first time. She doesn't have perfect head control but she can hold her head up for a while so I placed her in front of me so she could watch what I was doing... but this wasn't good enough for little Sammy. She wasn't having it and decided to tell me all about it. She threw her first fit! It was pretty funny to watch. I know some people don't believe in letting your children cry especially at such a young age, but I do. It was very evident that she was just pissed that I wasn't holding her. She has recently started doing that. But this wasn't just a way of communicating her want this was a cry that was to make her desires known in a very selfish way! I could see that oh so lovely selfish flesh rising up in her yelling at me, "You will serve me and my desires or you will pay." Fortunately I am not so easily swayed, plus I love her way too much to let that rule me. So instead of picking her up... I took pictures.

Chris keeps saying that the Lord equates us like babies which makes me laugh. Its true! We freak out and think the world is caving in in us while God knows it isn't and that we are just fine. That's why I can laugh at my beautiful naive daughter who thinks that she MUST be held in that moment. I know that she is fine and there is absolutely nothing wrong. She was fed, dry, awake, and happy until she was placed in the Bumbo. So I let her cry and continued on with my sewing until she became happy again. Then I picked her up and snuggled her! I love my daughter very much and will train her in the way she should go so that when she is older she will not depart from truth.

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