Saturday, July 21, 2012

Kids Camp



Just Lounging around while I set up our cabin
So I made it through my first week with my husband being out of town. Each day got a little easier to handle being away from him but it was still a very hard week for me. Preparing and now being at Kid's camp has really helped though because there is just so much to do. Sad thing is that I don't have cell phone service here so I can't talk to him on the phone but hopefully I will get set up on the internet soon so I will be able to chat with him. (I am typing this offline right now in case there is confusion!)

This is my first trip anywhere with little Sammy Jean and especially my first time without Chris on a trip! So I can tell I have some things to learn but so far I am managing just fine. Thought I would share with you all about not only my trip but also ECing with Sammy at camp.

So yesterday we left and it was only a 2 hour drive I think but we had to stop twice. Once to get snacks where I found a wet diaper and refusal to potty more and the other to eat, nurse, and potty. She was wet then too but I didn't try to potty her until right before we left so she was probably dry when we got there. Then when we got to camp it was a little chaotic trying to get our room key and moving everything in while also trying to potty and feed her. I am helping with the snack shop so we also had to set that up as well.

Diaper Stash
 Thankfully I brought the wrap I am borrowing because Holy Moly doing this without it wouldn't be very fun! I just wrap her around me and go! I did however need to figure out  our diaper bag/backpack situation. I originally was planning on using my small Camelbak back pack with a couple of diapers wipes and nursing cover in it. But even those couple of things with the Water bladder just didn't fit well. Anytime I needed something I had to basically take everything out. But I also brought my normal size backpack as well that has a place for the water bladder. It carries much more so I don't have to try to stuff everything. It even fits my wrap so I don't have to carry it when I am not using it.

I brought all of our diapers down and I would have brought our large wet bag except that right before we left I noticed that the water proof layer inside is all torn up making it pointless as a waterproof bag. I am pretty sure I dried it too much. Now I know! So I just brought a couple of garbage bags to use as wet bags for now. I also brought a package of disposables… I know, I know shocking! But they are Whole Foods brand so one of the safest and I really didn't want to be stranded in case the cloth diapers just don't work out. I am not planning on using them unless I absolutely have to.

 So there are two locations that we are having the snack bar so I can sort of set up camp at the one indoors and will just have to transfer stuff to the other one when needed. I brought a stack of diapers inside so that I don't have to keep carrying so many around with me in the backpack. I only carry 4-5 with me. And I will just collect the dirty ones at the end of the day and bring them back to the cabin. Oh I also brought Ziploc bags to put wet or dirty diapers in during transport to the cabin.  So this is my plan so far and we might have to tweak some things as we go but so far it seems to be working.

Can't forget the potty!
Last night went great. I wasn't worried about her not being able to sleep because she will pretty much sleep anywhere we go. I really like that I have a take-a-long baby! She woke me up twice and was already wet but the other 2 times I caught before she peed! Although one of them was odd. I woke up and undressed her to pee and then put her on the potty. While she was peeing I noticed there was a wet spot next to the potty. I know I didn't spill because it was 5:30 am and I was pretty awake at that point with the sun already up. So I thought maybe she leaked but neither her diaper or her pajamas were wet. So I thought maybe she peed on her way to the potty but then I smelled the spot and it didn't even smell like pee. So I have no idea where it came from or what it was. Maybe it was spit up...Idk it was weird but I didn't care enough to investigate more so back to sleep we went!

Today has been much better than yesterday so far. I feel really sleepy though from the last two nights of going to bed late and waking up early. I might try to nap when I finish this, which is what Sammy is doing right now before campers come. Back to pottying...she has been dry all day I think...yeah I can't think of a wet diaper and I don't have any in the wet bag except for one that I actually peed her on when we went to Walmart. We were in the car and I didn't want to go all the way back into the store so I just pulled out a clean diaper and held her over it so she could pee. Kind of sucks doing that since now I have a wet diaper to wash but at least I caught it and she isn't sitting in it. I think there is a poop coming soon. She had a blow out 2 days ago and pooped a little yesterday morning so it might be time for one. All last night and this morning she has had lots of gas and every once and a while some poop farts but still no deployment so I am really trying to watch for cues and give plenty of opportunities because I really don't want to miss here at camp where I have no bath to wash her in if she ends up blowing out!

Found a girl with this shirt! I love it!!!
Last night went great in the pottying realm! Only missed one pee which I missed almost deliberately. I think she is going through ANOTHER growth spurt because she was nursing all night long! She woke up at least every two hours and it was just wearing me out. So at one of the wake ups I just nursed her instead of also pottying her and the next time she woke up she was soaked! So needless to say I am pretty sleepy today.

Yesterday evening was pretty hard on baby girl. We had just done so much and she only got a good 1 1/2 hour nap which isn't very long. So by 7:30 she was just done. That was unfortunately also during the evening program session at camp where they are worshiping and playing team games and a speaker and prayer. One of the best parts. But another issue is that is was just so stinking loud!!! Way too loud for her to be inside anyways so we just had to call it a quits and go back to our cabin. I laid her down and she fell asleep immediately, poor thing!

Our outfits matched everyday.
Today has been great so far. She still kept having stinky farts all morning so I knew it was coming. Kept trying to potty and nothing was happening until right after breakfast when I took her there was a tiny bit of poop when I wiped so I went to red alert! We left to go back to town to restock on snack shack supplies and at our first stop I pottyed her and she pooped… A LOT! I didn't go inside so I had to let her go on a clean pre-fold again but it was still way better than an explosive diaper situation!!! Now it is nap time again and I am hoping she gets a much better nap despite the lawn care going on all around us!

All Blue Day!
Later on… So EC wise we have had an awesome day! I think we actually only missed once! I have accomplished this a couple of times at home and even on the 4th like I mentioned in a previous post but I wasn't expecting to do so well at camp. And the thing is that I am not even really being super aware! I mean I am almost constantly running back and forth all day and she is just being so good at not only cuing but also holding it. I can tell we have been at her maximum holding capacity a couple of times because she pees before I even say "psst". I just barely hold her over the toilet and she is ready to go. She is so smart! ECing her really has made this trip so much easier! Except for the occasional miss I don’t even really use the diaper bag for its intended purpose. I mostly use it to carry my water, nursing cover, and wrap.

Squeezed in some diaper free time!
On the other hand she is still wanting to eat very frequently when we get back to the cabin. Almost constantly. And we had to make another car ride to town and she cried in the car the whole time until we were on our way back when she finally fell asleep! So I am going to opt out of the car rides to town from now on. I am hoping to get to go on a hike tomorrow or at least go swimming with baby girl but we shall see. I am exhausted and hoping she sleeps more tonight with out her marathon nursing sessions. We shall see!


So early!
"And Daddy loves me"
Sooooooo sleepy!!! She fed every hour and a half last night! Definitely going through growth spurt. I can tell she has grown just by looking at her! Why is she growing so fast!!! My theory is that she is seeing all the big kids running around so she wants to grow up fast so she can play with them!

Still going great EC wise. Missed only once all day and once last night. 

So Big!
Last night was a little better. She woke up every 2- 2 1/2 hours. I am still exhausted though. Trying to keep up with all the campers and their schedule but I have just been lagging. We did get to stay up a bit later last night which was cool so I got to actually hear the speaker before we went to bed. They were having smores last night and I was really trying to hold out for that but baby girl fell asleep in my arms and then woke up at the end of the speaking with red eyes. So I took her back to go to sleep.

This morning has been a little rough for her. I think she is teething still. She is grabbing my knuckle and rubbing along her gums all day. Unfortunately thought that just doesn't seem to do the trick! So she has been pretty fussy this morning. We took an early nap and missed the bulk of the water Olympics : ( And now she is taking her afternoon nap while the kids are starting to swim. Hoping to be able to help out at the snack bar some time today!!! Over all this has still been a very good trip and has definitely helped to keep my mind busy from thinking about how much I miss Chris!!!

All Pink Day! (Forgot to take pictures the other days)

We are home now. Actually we got back yesterday. Baby Girl slept a little better Thursday night but I was definitely ready to go home! The car trip home was pretty good. She cried for a good half hour straight but it was totally a fit so I dealt with that and then she calmed down and eventually fell asleep. 

It was hard coming home to an empty house. I cried a lot again last night but then the Lord was so good to me. I started asking for joy even though I was really sad and he provided. I still really miss my husband but today I feel much better! And I am pretty sure Sammy is glad to be home as well! 

So over all we had a great week! It was a lot of fun and Sammy got to interact with lots of kiddos! I hope to go again next year when Sam is a year older and can do more! And ECwise it was a great week! And I still have a good stash of diapers left for a day or two until I do laundry! Woo hoo!

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