Thursday, October 30, 2014

I made my first dress!!

My MIL bought me a sewing machine for my husband's birthday our first year of marriage. :)
That's right she bought it for me on his birthday! The thing was we were poor and clothing is expensive especially for kiddos and we are wanting a lot of children so...sewing seemed like a very practical skill to acquire and my husband agreed. He is a very practical man (and doesn't really care about birthdays) so he asked for a sewing machine for me and since then I have fallen deeply in love with sewing!

That was 3 years ago and I have learned so much! I have made many things for my girlies. (Having girls has been awesome for learning how to sew!!!) But I haven't ever really made anything for myself as far as clothing goes this entire time. It is pretty intimidating to buy all that fabric and potentially mess up! With kids there is usually enough to make another if you mess up. Plus a lot of the clothing I have wanted to try is made with knits. Knits and my sewing machine don't get along.

BUT...last Christmas I got a serger!! (From my MIL and my husband) And it has taken me almost a whole year to finally make something for myself from it!

This weekend we are taking family picture with my mom and stepdad's family and I didn't have the time or the desire to go find something to match. So I found a tutorial for a maxi dress and took a shot at it! Got my fabric for $10.50!! Way cheaper than a maternity maxi dress!!!
You can see my little baby bump :)

 So here it is! Pardon the messy house and hair! Sewing takes a lot of time away from normal duties :) I am so happy the way it turned out! I attached it to an old t-shirt that didn't fit well anymore. I can't wait to wear it for pictures so that I can wear it out in public! I should get the professional pics to show it way better since I was taking with my auto timer on my phone. 

I also made my girls' dresses for pictures and I LOVE the way they turned out. I was trying to copy a picture of a dress I have always wanted to copy and I think I got it pretty well. D's is just a regular peasant dress :) D is too hard to get a good picture of right now so again hopefully I will get a better one from the family pics. 

Well, that's all I have to say for now!
I am making the hair bows right now and would like to finish at a decent hour!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More Follow Up

So I posted really general about our life up to this point to catch up from over a year ago. I figured I could go into a little more detail about D's EC journey.

Although I do want to say really quickly that if I do continue to blog I don't want to just blog about the pottying of my children. The title of this blog is Motherhood and EC is just a tiny aspect to that. But I do want to go into more detail to how D is doing and what mistakes I have made along the way with her in regards to EC.

So S did such a fantastic job at pottying and getting the hang of the whole ordeal I think I started out with D a little over confident. I realized (although possibly incorrectly) that S wasn't trained because I was a pee nazi but more because of the consistent communication throughout her life in regards to pottying. And who knows I might have been right but they way I proceeded with D made that theory impossible to tell. When she was about 3 months old we moved out to the country. We were offered to take care of a piece of property in exchange for free rent. So we jumped on it! There was kind of an icky situation with the previous caretaker so we moved into the lower room in the main house for 6 weeks until we could buy and move our own RV onto the property.

The room we lived in housed ALL of our stuff. Now in comparison to most we don't have a lot but we still had quite a bit and to live with it all in one room for 6 weeks is a bit overwhelming! It was crammed to say the least and incredibly dirty. We had to move in so fast we couldn't clean the room first and the previous inhabitant apparently didn't care about filth. I cleaned as much as I could but it still just wasn't the most pleasurable living experience.

During this time I didn't really pay attention to D's cues. I kept her in cloth without covers for a bit but eventually got in the habit of always having a cover on and just changing her when she was wet. And I didn't even have nigh time to fall back on. S wouldn't nurse until after she had peed but D would hold in her pee until you started nursing which was always frustrating!

By the time we finally moved into our RV I was already tuned out to her cues. I still gave a lot of opportunities but I didn't have the same consistency that I did with S. Fast forward a few months to last month D started getting a ash from ammonia. We live on really hard well ward and they have a really bad build up. I tried stripping them multiple times but with no real success. And then she got a REALLY bad rash with huge blisters that would heal during the day but reform at night after sitting wet for hours.

So I decided she would go diaper free during the day and my generous mom bought her honest company disposables for nightime and outings. We will be moving again soon into the city again so when we do I will re-strip her diapers in water that isn't insanely hard and hopefully we can use them again. But this whole ordeal had really made me analyze what was different with S and D.

With S, pottying her was a part of our routine. But with D we got out of it. I didn't want to potty in public or at night and eventually that mentality seeped into the daytime too. It's not that I dodn't have time to or was too distracted, I just wasn't purposeful about it. With S we had a lot more nakey time especially early on. With D, my husband was home her first few months during winter when he is usually laid off for the season and he hates holding naked babies. So early on she never really was naked and I never really got a good sense of her cues.

Thankfully it isn't too late. She is still only 10 months old so I still have time to make up and I am sure she will be golden at the very latest at 2. Like I said we are doing naked time during the day. It hasn't been too successful yet but it is always harder to retrain than to do it right the first time. I think sitting on the potty is just a chair for her to play on because she pees or poops almost right after getting off. We do catch at least once a day and we all cheer and she claps and gets really excited so I am hoping she gets it soon. We pray every evening that she will get it and start going on the potty :)

And with the next babe I really want to go diaper free the vast majority of the time, even at night and for outings. We wont' live by family anymore so not many people will be holding the baby other than me and I will definitely be wearing a lot more often since I will have more children than hands! Going through the whole diaper fiasco I started wondering what people did before diapers and it hit me DUH! (Seriously, I know I knew this but it like really hit me!) People didn't have diapers. They might have had a cloth under their bums but most countries and cultures EC'd before there was ever a name for it. And they did it without the use if diapers AND laundry machines. So we will still use prefolds to soak up any misses. Even my husband who doesn't like naked babies is on board; I am sure he will always have a felt blanket and a diaper under them!

So that is the update. Not too excited but I know there are people who might be interested.

Oh and S is officially a bedwetter. :( I'm a bit bummed by it just because she was dry for so long at night until D was born and then it was downhill from there. She is dry maybe 2 nights out of the week. After posting on the diaper free fb group I guess it is pretty common so I am not worried but I just really dislike it for obvious reasons. Plus my brother was a bedwetter for a very long time and my room was next to his and I hated the smell. So the smells just bring back memories of that and yuck its not fun. This too shall pass :)

Crazy hair as usual :)

Can you believe how big she is!

Super silly girl!

They have so much fun together!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Maybe I will pick this back up...

I stumbled upon my old blog tonight and saw how many pageviews its gotten. Apparently people want to read more about EC and parenting :)

So maybe if I can find time in my busy life I will pick this back up.

A quick update since it is my bedtime...

Sammy is now 2 1/2!! So hard to believe! She is fully potty trained during the day and has been for over a year now. She does wet the bed at night but it started happening when her sister was born.

Which leads me to announcing that Samantha now has a little sister, Dakota who is currently 10 months old! As far as EC is going for Dakota...its good but not going as well as with Sammy for multiple reasons. We have had a few transitions during her younger months like moving. And I wasn't a diligent to potty her as a was with Sammy. My thoughts were that it wasn't necessarily quantity of catches with Sammy as it was quality but that isn't always true. I depended on diapers a lot more with D especially during the move which the whole process took about 2 months. We are working at it but now he cloth diapers have severe amonia build up from the well water so we have been using disposables for night and outings which really hinder us. But she is still on ly 10 months and she knows to go, just need her to cue to me :) I hopefully can post more on this later.

Another transition that hindered D's pottying was my first trimester for our 3rd baby! That's right I am now 14 weeks into my 3rd pregnancy :) Planning on another homebirth. We are in the process of moving yet again a couple of hours away to where my husband has been relocated for work. It is a crazy time right now but we are making the most of it.

This next babe I am planning on keeping it diaper free the vast majority of the time including out and about. Having depended on diapers so much with D it really makes me not want to this time especially after going back and reading how well we did with Sammy from such an early age.

So there is the quick update of it all. We shall see if I can find the time to come back later and add more!!
Dakota 10 months

Sammy being silly- 2 1/2 yrs